“Mind Tech” LLC processes black rapeseed seeds at the “Selenge” plant located in Bayangol sum of Selenge province and supplies them to the market under the name “Ezeggi”.
The factory started working with the capacity of processing 100 tons of oilseeds per day. It is a fully automatic factory that can be increased to 300 tons in the future.
Through the “Good” platform, the People’s Financial Union provides the necessary financing for all stages of rapeseed cultivation, harvesting, processing, production of vegetable oil, and delivery to consumers.
As a result, “Ezegy” vegetable oil began to be produced in South Korea, and a contract was signed for the supply of 800 tons of oil in the first phase.
B. Monkhbayar, executive director of “Mind Tech” LLC: We process vegetable oil and supply it to the market, as well as produce biodiesel and animal feed. For example, it buys used oil and produces biodiesel to meet 100 percent of its own needs. In the future, it is planned to make 20-50 tons per day.
The President of Mongolia said that it is important for national enterprises to produce vegetable oil in their country and supply it to the domestic market, as well as to export it.
Producers were talking about the risk of reducing the possibility of producing vegetable oil and supplying it to the domestic market as rapeseed is exported.
Therefore, it is considered appropriate to increase the customs duty on imported products of the same type as vegetable edible oil, to exempt rapeseed and edible oil and feed made from it from VAT, and to stop cultivation of non-standard rapeseed.