Хөрс, хүнс, хүн гурав хүйн холбоотой

President Khurelsukh Attends Mongolian-Vietnamese Business Forum

At the invitation of President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vo Van Thuong, President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa is paying a State Visit to Vietnam on November 1-5, 2023. During the Visit, the Mongolian President attended the Mongolian-Vietnamese Business Forum on November 2, 2023.

In his opening speech, President Khurelsukh emphasized the opportunities to expand trade and economic cooperation between the two countries into all areas, including food, agriculture, mining, road transport, energy, the environment, and tourism.

President Khurelsukh expressed confidence that enriching cooperation between citizens of Mongolia and Vietnam, which have historically friendly relations, with new content would make a significant contribution to developing economic cooperation between the two countries.

The Mongolian President also expressed his readiness to support the private sector’s cooperation in exporting meat and meat products from Mongolia to Vietnam, and in applying advanced Vietnamese technologies to the processing of sheep, goat, cow, and horse hides, which are Mongolia’s livestock raw material resources.

The Head of State of Mongolia remarked that as a landlocked country, Mongolia places the highest importance on developing cooperation in rail, road, and air transport with third-neighboring countries and that Mongolia is interested in finding new solutions in cargo transportation and transport logistics in cooperation with Vietnamese enterprises.

The President stated that Mongolia is continuously improving its investment policy, maintaining stability, adhering to the principle of being a “reliable, trustworthy, and long-term partner,” and implementing legal and institutional reforms to promote the investment climate and protect the interests of investors.

Mongolian President emphasized the recent establishment of the Ministry of Economy and Development within the Government of Mongolia and the commencement of operations of the Foreign Investment and Trade Agency.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang stressed that President Khurelsukh’s State Visit to Vietnam and his participation in the Mongolian-Vietnamese Business Forum are expanding political cooperation between the two countries into economic cooperation and opened a new chapter in the bilateral relations between Mongolia and Vietnam.

Nanchang-Ulaanbaatar-Nanchang Flights Launch

More than 70 Mongolian and 80 Vietnamese representatives, totaling over 200 people, attended the Mongolian-Vietnamese Business Forum, jointly organized by the Mongolian Embassy to Vietnam, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

At the Forum, Vietnamese entrepreneurs and investors were briefed on the current state of Mongolia’s economy and investment environment, as well as detailed information on opportunities for cooperation in agriculture, livestock farming, and renewable energy.

Vetjet Group, Soviko Airline, TH Group, BRG Group, and Vinpearl Resort introduced their companies’ activities and presented Mongolia-Vietnam joint projects and opportunities for mutual cooperation in the future.

The Opening Ceremony for VietJet Air’s Nanchang-Ulaanbaatar-Nanchang route was held as part of the Business Forum. Regular flights between Mongolia and Vietnam will begin on December 15, 2023.

The Business Forum concluded with the signing of several cooperation and business documents, and business representatives from both sides held informal meetings to discuss trade, investment, and cooperation issues.

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    1. Сайтад нийтлэгдсэн текст, дуу авиа, график зураг, лого, фото, видео болон бусад бүх контентуудын оюуны өмчлөл нь Монгол Улсын холбогдох хууль тогтоомжийн дагуу баталгаажсан болно.
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  3. Гуравдагч этгээдийн контент
    1. Сайт нь гэрээний үндсэн дээр гуравдагч мэдээллийн эх үүсвэрийн контентыг нийтэлнэ.
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  4. Шинэчлэл
    1. Энэхүү үйлчилгээний нөхцөл нь 2023 оны 07 дугаар сарын 1-нд шинэчлэгдсэн болно.
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President Khurelsukh Attends Mongolian-Vietnamese Business Forum
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