Хөрс, хүнс, хүн гурав хүйн холбоотой

U. Khurelsukh: We must make our own contribution to the world’s food supply

“Хүнсний хангамж аюулгүй байдал-Хүнс хөдөө аж ахуй, хөнгөн үйлдвэрийн салбарын шинжлэх ухаан, технологи, инноваци”

#Шууд “Хүнсний хангамж аюулгүй байдал-Хүнс хөдөө аж ахуй, хөнгөн үйлдвэрийн салбарын шинжлэх ухаан, технологи, инноваци” Үндэсний зөвлөгөөн эхэлж байна #Masstv

Posted by Mass on Sunday, June 26, 2022

“Food supply security-science, technology and innovation in food agriculture and light industry” national conference is being held today.

Opening this National Conference, the President of Mongolia, U. Khurelsukh, in his speech emphasized that Mongolia is focusing on food security, meeting its domestic food needs, and setting the goal of becoming an exporter to the world. Specifically,

“In order to ensure the socio-economic security of the country, the president and head of state of Mongolia put forward the 100-year ten-goal development initiative within the framework of the basic reform of transition from welfare to labor, from extraction to processing, from import to export. One of the important goals of this initiative is to ensure food security, fully satisfy domestic needs with food products, intensively develop animal husbandry and agriculture, and become a food exporting country in the region. The President of Mongolia, paying particular attention to food safety, discussed the issue in the National Safety Council of Mongolia last May and made recommendations. Also, in order to start a food revolution throughout the country, detailed information will be provided to the general assembly of the Parliament, and a draft of the Parliament’s resolution on some measures to be taken to ensure food supply security, along with a detailed policy and action plan to be implemented in the next five years, will be submitted to the Parliament. The draft resolution was approved by the Parliament on June 17. It means that the date of our policy implementation is clear. Now that the Congress has approved it, we must act without delay.

As a result of this food revolution, in the next five years, Mongolia will meet its domestic needs with 19 main products, and in the future, Mongolia will become a food exporting country. For the implementation of this five-year plan, the Parliament approved a draft resolution to finance 1.7 trillion MNT.

We have to prepare our own food. How long will we live begging the family? Now we need to become a self-made, self-produced, self-created country. Should become a producer country. On the other hand, we must make our own contribution to the world’s food supply.

Also, in order to promote food supply, food safety, and food movement throughout the country, and bring the food and agriculture sector to a new level, the participation of highly skilled professionals, academics, professional associations, academic institutions, and higher and professional institutions is essential. emphasized that it is important.

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    2. Хүнсний хувьсгал ТББ нь үйлчилгээний нөхцөлд хүссэн үедээ өөрчлөлт хийх бүрэн эрхтэй. Хийгдсэн өөрчлөлтүүд нь сайтад нийтлэгдсэн мөчөөс хүчин төгөлдөр үйлчилнэ. Хэрэглэгч нь нөхцөлд орсон өөрчлөлтийг нийтлэгдсэнээс хойш хэрэглэвэл хүлээн зөвшөөрсөнд тооцогдоно.
  2. Оюуны өмчлөл
    1. Сайтад нийтлэгдсэн текст, дуу авиа, график зураг, лого, фото, видео болон бусад бүх контентуудын оюуны өмчлөл нь Монгол Улсын холбогдох хууль тогтоомжийн дагуу баталгаажсан болно.
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  4. Шинэчлэл
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U. Khurelsukh: We must make our own contribution to the world’s food supply
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