Хөрс, хүнс, хүн гурав хүйн холбоотой

Studies have shown that carrots have a positive effect on the growth and development of children

The “Mongolian Vegetables” project implemented by the Swiss Development Agency under the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the study of “The influence of shallots on the growth and development of children” by supplying the “Naval” variety of shallots grown in the country’s soil to the food supply of kindergartens for a period of three months in cooperation with the Metropolitan Department of Education. done.

The study, which began in December 2017, included children from Kindergarten No. 56 in Chingeltei District and Kindergarten No. 115 in Bayanzurkh District. These two kindergartens were recommended by the Metropolitan Education Department. 50 children aged 3-5 years were selected from each selected kindergarten, and the aim was to show the difference between children who consumed 100 ml of carrot juice and various food products enriched with carrots and those who did not.

Thus, the three-month-long research was successfully completed, and today (05.08.2018) an event was held to present the results of the research in Kindergarten No. 115 of Bayanzurkh district. The event was opened by O. Onon, head of the Department of Trade, Catering and Service Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. He said, “The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is taking many measures to provide the population with healthy and safe food. For example, the “First Meat and Milk Campaign”, “Fruits” and “Vegetables” programs have been implemented. The issue of protecting and sustaining human health through food has been raised recently. Therefore, in order to pay attention to children’s growth, health, and nutritional status, we are reporting the results of this study today. In the future, we are working with the aim of supplying “Naval” carrot to garden food supply and supporting domestic juice production instead of imports.

T. Turmandah, leader of the “Sustainable production and marketing of vegetables” project: “The “Mongolian Vegetables” project, which was implemented in 2016, aims to meet the food needs of the population with vegetables grown on the soil of the country. From this point of view, as a result of researching more than 10 new varieties, it was decided to supply the “Naval” carrot variety, which does not form rivers and has good juice yield, to the food supply of the garden. So, he said that he had planted 1 ton of Dutch “Naval F1” juicy carrot in the pilot field of the Plant and Agriculture Institute of Darkhan-Uul province, and announced that he would plant 5 hectares in Hushaat sum of Selenge province.

B. Narantuya, Head of Kindergarten No. 56 of Chingeltei District of the Capital, and B. Gereltseg, Head of Kindergarten No. 115 of Bayanzurkh District, participated in the event. Apart from preparing carrot juice for the children, they prepared carrot-enriched cookies, mantou, and melts. I wanted to continue to implement it. Also, in the survey, representatives of parents of kindergarten children said that their children have grown, their bones and teeth have strengthened, and their gastrointestinal motility has improved.

On this occasion, consultant and researcher of the “Mongolian Vegetables” project, N. Oyundar presented his research results and advised children to prepare carrot juice and foods enriched with various carrots. He mentioned that before using the “Naval F1” carrot in the study, the sample was analyzed at the National Food Safety Reference Laboratory of the Ministry of Food Safety and Food Safety and confirmed its safety for use in children’s food.

The “Mongolian Vegetables” project supplied 500 kg of carrot juicing machines, accompanying equipment, tools and “Naval” carrots for juicing to the two gardens selected during the research period. Thus, kindergarten cooks were given theoretical knowledge about vegetable storage, processing, proper use, and nutrition of children’s food, and learned the technology of making vegetable juice and preparing various kinds of baby food enriched with carrots.

Carrots are not only suitable for use in medical treatment, sanatoriums and children’s food and drinks, but they are also rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, which are essential for maintaining the normal functioning of the human body and protecting health. That is why it is a vegetable with many benefits, such as supporting the growth and development of children, improving eyesight, increasing the body’s resistance to diseases, cleaning the oral cavity, promoting salivation, and preventing tooth decay. Furthermore, it can prevent diseases such as cancer and high blood pressure.

The physical measurements of the children involved in the study were performed before giving them carrot juice and enriched products and after 3 months of using them, and their growth and nutritional status were evaluated. In doing so, the “Children’s Growth Standards” revised in 2006 by the World Health Organization were followed. As a result of the research, the consultant and researcher of the “Mongolian Vegetables” project, N. Oyundar, concluded that the consumption of carrot juice for three months had a positive effect on the physical growth and development of children.

During the research, comparing the nutritional content of the one-day meals of the two kindergartens mentioned above with the recommendations issued by the World Health Organization, it was found that some essential vitamins and minerals are not available. Therefore, the research team believes that it is necessary to develop the menu of kindergarten children based on science and include more fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, parents should be knowledgeable about proper nutrition and advise their children not to use sweet desserts, fatty, fried or fried foods as much as possible.


    • Providing kitchens in kindergartens and kindergartens with equipment and tools for making vegetable and fruit juice, training cooks on making vegetable and fruit juice, and enriching children’s food with various vegetables, fruits, and berries
    • Develop and approve a menu that meets the recommended levels of calories and nutrients contained in the food of kindergarten children, and implement it in all kindergartens nationwide.
    • The child’s growth and development status is studied in detail with anthropometric measurements, and additional attention is paid to the nutrition and care of children at risk of stunting.
    • To improve the knowledge and change the attitudes of kindergarten teachers and parents about how to properly feed children
    • Kindergartens and parents should work closely together to maintain the child’s nutrition, health, mental and physical growth and development.
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    7. Манай нууцлалын бодлоготой холбоотой аливаа асуулт, сэтгэгдэл, хүсэлтийг support@hunsniihuvisgal.mn мэйл хаягт ирүүлнэ үү.
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    Studies have shown that carrots have a positive effect on the growth and development of children
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